Image: Fontana Arte

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will explore Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, under a modern Benshen-esque lens. Though one might believe that wealth only equals money, “rich” expands beyond that: it means being able to create prosperity in your life, which can take shape in many different forms. Money is just one medium. Prosperity goes so far beyond financial gains and Hill, with his 13 Principles of Success and teachings on the Laws of the Universe, pioneered a unique roadmap to excellence and how to unlock prosperity—one that focuses on how to program our mental faculties rather than lean on external circumstances.

“The subconscious mind is the ‘sending station’ of the brain, through which vibrations of thought are set to broadcast. The creative imagination is the ‘receiving set’ through which energies of thought are picked up from the ether.”

— Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, 1937

We are now tuning into a powerful frequency — the next Principle of Success is all about the brain. According to Napoleon Hill, this organ—situated at the Crown Chakra—acts like an antennae, connecting us to Infinite Intelligence. As a reminder, Infinite Intelligence is thought of as downloads from the Universe, or G.O.D. energy, and available to us all. We find it in moments of inspiration; when ideas seem to flow to us; at those times we find ourselves in challenging experiences and we come up with a creative solution out.

Through practices such as meditation, as well as learning to fine-tune our trust in these whispers from other dimensions, we can open up to receive more “downloads” that help us access our highest potential and consciousness. For example, say we go to the coffee shop and as we're on our way home walking the same street every day, but something whispers to us, “turn left, take the other street." Rather than brushing it off, we decide to listen and a few steps later we bump into our neighborhood crush who asks us for a drink that week. All it took was listening to, rather than brushing off, these whispers of the divine.

When we set our internal dial to this “Infinite Intelligence” radio station on a consistent basis, the messages delivered are ones that will connect us most with our intuition and bring clarity to the next steps of our Visions. And it’s not just about what we are receiving from the ether, but equally important what we project out into the world as well, since like attracts like.

Hill writes, “every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought.” Before something comes into fruition, it begins as a thought…which means our brain is the tool that can wield energy into matter. That allows our thoughts to become things. We each have access to this effective conduit that translates our desires into reality, but we must first learn how to operate the machinery. It’s all about eliminating the static and finding clarity through what we want to broadcast—often by making sense of the space of our subconscious mind and clearing stuck neural pathways by imagining possibility —then channeling that clarity to dial into the station that’s going to play all of our greatest hits (and not the oldies that keep us stuck in past patterns). It’s about making space for inspiration to strike and to then take action so the universe knows we are ready and available for more. In this newsletter, we’ll share how to keep track of these moments of inspiration, especially if they feel random and out of left field, because that often indicates their higher origin. It’s time to perk up our antennae.



“The superconscious mind is the God Mind within each man,
and is the realm of perfect ideas.
In it, is the ‘perfect pattern’ spoken of by Plato,
The Divine Design; for there is a Divine Design for each person.

There is a place that you are to fill and no one else can fill,
something you are to do, which no one else can do.
There is a perfect picture of this in the superconscious mind.
It usually flashes across the conscious as an unattainable ideal—
something too good to be true.

In reality it is man's true destiny (or destination) flashed to him from
the Infinite Intelligence which is within himself.
Many people, however, are in ignorance of their true destinies
and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them,
and would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained.”

— Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and How to Play It, 1925

Image: Virgil Abloh, Numéro Tokyo


Think about it: if we always wake up at the same time, take the same route to work, go to the same coffee shop, make the same lunch…there’s not a lot of wiggle room for life to surprise us, right? Not just surprise us but our actions make it harder for our brains to go off autopilot. And when our thoughts are on loop, we have a harder time being intentional about what we transmit out, and can miss crucial, life-changing whispers from the Universe. Above all—when we don’t listen to the messages and the advice they share, we miss out on potential opportunities that guide us closer to our Vision.

That’s why we love the practice of keeping a “flash file" on our notes section in our phone, a space for play, whimsy, and any kind of messages we receive during our waking—or dreaming—hours. Whether it’s something as simple as taking a different walking route and discovering a new coffee shop…or buying a book because the cover intrigued you…it’s powerful to follow when something is leading your nose. It reminds us of this truism: “when things don’t go right, go left.”

It’s common to feel stuck by our circumstances, but the magic can only come through when we open the doorways to more options instead of trying to do the same thing over and over with little results. The way to get from A (current state) to B (our dreams) is not always (read: almost never) the exact way we imagine it..


Try it out for a week; write down every idea, whim, and dream that feels too far-fetched…and remember that these thoughts are, what artist and metaphysics teacher Florence Scovel Shinn wrote as, “flashes of your true destiny.” We wouldn’t see it unless it was possible. So, go ahead and lean into what seems “too good to be true,” and play with possibility. The intention is to strengthen the “receiving set” of your brain, tap into downloads more effectively and play with the infinite possibilities that wait for you on the other side of doing things differently…

“My style is to never say no…”

— Virgil Abloh, 1980 - 2021

Image: David Spriggs

Dr. Joe Dispenza wants us to “fall in love with our future potential,” in this four-part podcast series called Think Greater that we truly cannot recommend enough. Dispenza helps to break down what it means to change our brain chemistry by first imagining a different future-present, and giving our brain the chance to physically alter via neurochemicals and “catch up” to these desires. No longer living in the past, we can use our brains to broadcast what we want ahead of seeing it with our senses. Acting as the wave instead of a stuck particle of energy, we’re able to call in who and what we want to be, as opposed to getting caught in a loop of our past programming. It’s a POWERFUL listen.


