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In this issue of our newsletter, we will begin to unpack the 13 Laws of Success as taught by Napoleon Hill, beginning with the fire that ignites it all: DESIRE.

I remember stumbling upon Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill years ago, wondering whether or not I would actually read the book. My limited mind thought it would be a book on money and finance, both topics that made me feel uneasy and quickly bored. A little while later, I listened to a podcast with a very simple title, called “How to Manifest Abundance” by Bob Proctor and Lewis Howes, which would end up being a conversation that changed my life deeply and profoundly. It just so happened that Bob had studied, taught and shared the principles of Think and Grow Rich for decades. His podcast was so inspiring that I quickly grabbed my copy, realizing it was much more magical, dynamic and inspiring than I could have ever imagined. Soon enough, every line became underlined and highlighted…and much like Bob, I decided to give the tools a try with the thought, “I have nothing to lose by trying this and everything to gain.” To this day, it’s a resource I return to over and over, as each read serves as inspiration and information, sending me into a positive momentum rather than befriending fear and doubt around finances and abundance. 


Published in 1937, Napoleon Hill’s bestseller Think and Grow Rich has extraordinary properties that keep it “living” and paradigm-shifting, no matter what century it finds itself in. Inspired by the business magnate Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon compiled 13 Principles that he believed created the foundation of success, achievement and wealth. While many might think that wealth equals money, money is just one medium through which we experience the richness of life. The definition of wealth is “the state of being rich” and one definition of rich is “plentiful, abundance.” Prosperity goes so far beyond financial gains, and with his 13 Principles and teachings on the Laws of the Universe, Hill pioneered a unique roadmap to success and unlocking prosperity—one that focused on how to program our mental faculties rather than lean solely on external circumstances. 


“Think and Grow Rich points the way to personal achievement to financial independence and to riches of the spirit beyond measurement of money.”
—The Publisher, Ballantine Books

That being said, as with most material written in the early 20th century, it talks about capitalism with rose-colored glasses, not to mention lacks inclusivity and intersectionality, which is why we are divulging his formula but spinning it under a modern, Benshen-esque lens. When it comes to learning about the powers of the mind and the Laws of the Universe, there are profound gems within the text that we can take and make our own. Over the course of the next 13 weeks, we’re going to talk about self-initiation, laws of success, spinning dreams into gold, and developing cognitive control—and what that looks like today nearly a century after the book’s inception.


In this first newsletter, we’ll discuss the launchpad of success: DESIRE. While a wish can be fleeting and ephemeral, desires are different. They're substantive and hold immense power behind them as they include the “why” within our wants. Knowing our WHY is what keeps us persistent and motivated, even when the going gets tough. With a strong desire, we never lose sight of the Vision, allowing us to stay excited about both the feeling AND the very thing we are calling forth. So buckle up; we’re launching rockets into the past so we can use these tools to create our future.

Let’s begin...

Success and achievement in all its forms, starts with the seedling of desire. And what is desire exactly? Esther Perel, renowned sexuality expert and therapist shares it perfectly“For me, desire is to own the wanting. To desire something is to say, “I want.” For that, there needs to be an “I” that has the right to want, is entitled to want, is deserving to want, has the self-worth to give permission for “I want.” Plus, the knowledge of what you want. Desire is really a fundamental expression of freedom and sovereignty—as in identity.” The first principle in the book, ‘Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement,” invites us to get very clear about what we really want. Not what we think we should want, not what other people told us we should want, not even what society has declared we should want. Real desire is about getting to the root of what turns us on and lights our fire to live a full life. When we are clear about our desires, they act as a roadmap to help us not only figure out what we want in life but also give us the fuel to persevere through obstacles and resistance that naturally may arise as we move from where we are now to where we want to be. And that is the basis of creating the life we want to live. 


Desire QUEEN Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map, states that “Desire is the engine of creation”—the desire has to burn, the why has to be juicy, and the want needs to be something we want so badly we can tap into and get excited so that no matter what life throws at us (or doesn’t throw), we feel a sense of direction. The beauty of having a strong desire in our mind’s eye is that it will help us stay focused on where we are going and enjoy the process of allowing walls to come down and doors to open for new opportunities, people, and experiences. Desire catapults us into the action that creates results. It moves us away from focusing on what we don’t have, and instead gets us excited about the potential…so we can start buzzing about the possibilities waiting for us, which is where the real magic lives. 

From the first of the 13 Principles, these six steps can help you get clear on your desires, craft a plan and get to work on creating - energetically and physically - what you want to see come to life. Try these steps and put them into practice for one month, allowing the Laws of the Universe to work their powers as you focus on what it is you want to bring to life. 


Fix in your mind, with as much detail as possible, on what you really want. Not just, “I want to make more money” or “I wish to find a partner” - be detailed in what you are seeking and conscientious about why you want what you want. What comes from this desire?



Go deeper - what can you do differently to call in what you desire? Considering the life you will have when you have what you desire, what subtle shifts can be made to align yourself with it as if it’s already done? What qualities do you get to embody to draw your dreams into reality?


When do you want to see your desire manifest by? One year? Six months? By setting a date it’s making a declaration to the Universe what you want and when you want it by. Even if it doesn't happen by the exact date, that's OKAY! What it's really about is declaring what you want and really making that declaration vs. sitting around wishing and hoping for it to happen.


Make a clear timeline of what you will start to do differently to see this manifest and by when. Maybe it requires getting up 30 minutes earlier a day to practice meditation or spending one hour a day learning a new craft. When you take one step closer to your vision, the Universe takes one step closer to you. Create doable increments so as to not overwhelm or make it feel impossible.


Now, write down all these thoughts into clear, concise language that excites and fuels you on a notecard. For example, “I make $XXX a month and I get to travel the world taking photos of places I love. My first trip to _____ is on January 1st, 2022. I will sell these photos in an exhibition in summer of 2022.”


Read your vision to yourself daily, first thing in the morning, and imagine yourself already embodying all that you desire.

“There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it.
No one is ready for a thing until they believe they can acquire it."

Napoleon Hill


